Rapture stares directly into the bright light that[展开]
你聪明有人会说你心机重,你靠的是努力有人会说你运气好,你说自己天生乐观有人会说你虚假,有时候,你明明就是一杯白水,却被人硬生生逼成了满肚子憋屈的碳酸饮私人家庭影院年轻的母亲在线观看。人一生遇见太多人,即使有些话字字诛心,也没必要活在他们的眼神里,只要内心澄明,就永远不用讨好一个不懂你的人。Rapture stares directly into the bright light that hip hop culture shines on the world and doesn't blink. Throughout 8 episodes Rapture dives into artists' lives with their families and friends, to sitting front row in the studio and grinding on tour, to experiencing the ecstatic power of moving the crowd. Written by Netflix
Netflix纪录片《Rapture》共八集,介绍 Nas, T.I., Logic, G-Eazy, 2... [收起]