Britain’s most notorious serial killer, Dennis Nil[展开]
在逆境中看到希望,在磨难中感悟快乐,在平凡中发现快乐,在曲折中找寻快乐,在艰辛中品味快日本的影院sw在线观看。不沉迷幻想,不茫然未来;不慕繁华,不必雕琢;对人朴实,做事踏实;不要太固守,要懂得取舍,学会付出;不负重心灵,不伪装精神;不贪功急进,不张扬自我,成功时低调,失败后洒脱。Britain’s most notorious serial killer, Dennis Nilsen, confessed to killing 15 people in 1983. Over a five-year period, he picked up vulnerable young men, lured them back to his home and strangled them, before disposing of their bodies under the floorboards.
The truth about how and why he killed has been the subject of much speculation in books and documentaries over the decade... [收起]