INVASION is a documentary about the collective m[展开]
使他人幸福的人,是真正的幸电脑家庭影院我为卿狂在线观看。人生是泼洒在生命宣纸上的墨迹,渲染着城府与世故;是拉响在生命深处的咿咿呀呀的胡琴,挥不去嘈杂与迷惘。天地大美,于简单处得;人生大疲惫,复杂处藏。善待阳光和阴霾,宽容丑与恶。善待心灵,善待生活,善待生命,善待自己,善待家人,善待朋友。 INVASION is a documentary about the collective memory of a country. The invasion of Panama by the U.S in 1989 serves as an excuse to explore how a people remember, transform, and often forget their past in order re-define their identity and become who they are today. Written by Anonymous [收起]