A collection of alternate takes and deleted materi[展开]
年轻的我们的心脏都是比较小昆山影院百度电影在线观看。长大了的人,心脏就变大了。即使更大的悲伤装进去,也照样可以冷漠的离开,平静的遗忘。所以忍耐吧,有天我们的心脏会长得比悲伤大。有些人看社会,只看到黑暗面,他就以偏概全地认定社会到处充满危险的陷阱,因而充满失望的想法A collection of alternate takes and deleted material from the Paul Thomas Anderson film Punch-Drunk Love (2002) are compiled and matched with the Jon Brion song "Here We Go" in this plot-less but very interesting short film. This short piece also features more Jeremy Blake artwork that was not included in the film. [收起]