Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer has served in the army[展开]
从小觉得最厉害的人就是妈妈,不怕黑,什么都知道,做好吃的饭,把生活打理得井井有条,哭着不知道怎么办时只好找4480新视觉影院vr在线观看。可我好像忘了这个被我依靠的人也曾是个小姑娘,怕黑也掉眼泪,笨手笨脚会被针扎到手。最美的姑娘,是什么让你变得这么强大呢,是岁月,还Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer has served in the army for over twenty years. She's just fallen in love with an artist she's met, she's going for a PhD, and has a job at the VA hospital, as well as in the reserves. She decides to upgrade her security rating, with an eye toward promotion, and during the interview, she tells the investigator that she is a lesbian. The army begins proceedings to discharge her. And with the support of her family, her lover, (and LAMBDA), she decides to fight for her right to serve. [收起]